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Apollo’s Legacy: Rocks from the Moon
Weather and geological activity erase Earth’s earliest records of how the planet formed, so this information needs to come from elsewhere. Fifty years ago, the Apollo astronauts brought back 840 pounds of moon rocks, pebbles, sand, and dust from six different landing sites. These rocks tell us that the Moon formed from the Earth: billions of years ago, Earth was likely hit by a body the size of Mars, and the Moon formed out of the resulting debris.

Distant Worlds – Alien Life?
This show is a captivating planetarium film that delves into one of humanity’s most timeless questions: are we alone? For millennia, our ancestors gazed at the stars, pondering the origin and nature of what they observed. Even today, we continue to seek answers, aware that the Universe is an immense expanse filled with billions of stars and planets. Yet, Earth remains the only known planet to host life.

Cosmic Castaways
Based on research from astronomers at Youngstown State University, the program explains how stars can be ejected from galaxies by gravitational perturbation. From Ward Beecher Planetarium/CosmoQuest. 20 minutes Grades 5 and 8 Standards ESS1A and ESS1B and High School ESS1B Paired with NASA Muscles Explore how researchers are using the Hubble Space Telescope’s Measurements of the Ultraviolet Spectral Characteristics of Low-mass Exoplanetary Systems (MUSCLES) Survey to study properties of red dwarf stars and how their intense x-ray and ultraviolet flares may affect the chemistry of planets’ atmospheres. 7 minutes- Grades 5 and 8-Standards ESS1A and ESS1B and High School PS4B

Drifting North: The Arctic Pulse
Follow an international team of scientists from over twenty countries who embark on an epic year-long expedition to the Central Arctic.The Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) team froze the German Icebreaker R/V Polarstern into the sea ice for a year. For a year, the team drifts with an ice floe and strives to understand the Arctic climate system and its future. The 360-degree planetarium dome show is the first planetarium feature film that captures the entire year of the central Arctic climate, transcending the Arctic’s Polar Night and Day, and the experiences of the MOSAiC team as they face one of the most extreme and unique regions on our planet.

Dark Matter Mystery
What keeps Galaxies together? What are the building blocks of the Universe? What makes the Universe look the way it looks today? Researchers all around the world try to answer these questions. We know today that approximately a quarter of the Universe is filled with a mysterious glue: Dark Matter. We know that it is out there. But we have no idea what it is made out of. This show takes you on the biggest quest of contemporary astrophysics. You will see why we know that Dark Matter exists, and how this search is one of the most challenging and exciting searches science has to offer. Join the scientists on their hunt for Dark Matter with experiments in space and deep underground. Will they be able to solve the Dark Matter Mystery?